How Can I Make Fruits and vegetables Last Longer?

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Fruits and vegetables are an integral part of our diet. While it is important to eat fresh every day, logistics also play a role – how many of us have the time to shop organic fruits & vegetables every day? Given our busy lifestyles and schedules, most of us end up doing our grocery shopping once, maybe twice a week. With most of us shopping weekly or bi-weekly, proper storage becomes crucial to retain freshness and extend their lifespan.

Keeping this in mind, it becomes all the more important for us to ensure we store our fruits and vegetables carefully in order to preserve their freshness and ensure their longevity. Given the increasing moisture and humidity levels, especially around this time of the year, spoilage of fruits and vegetables is a common problem. As fruits and vegetables start to spoil, we end up wasting food and money. In light of this, mastering the art of meticulous fruit and vegetable storage takes precedence. By implementing effective techniques, we can safeguard our nutritional investment, curtail waste, and ensure our produce maintains its nourishing integrity, contributing to a healthier and sustainable lifestyle.

But fear not! In this blog post, we will explore effective and easy-to-follow tips to help you make your fruits and vegetables last longer, so you can enjoy their goodness and reduce food waste.

Proper Storage is Key

The first step to prolonging the freshness of fruits and vegetables is to store them correctly. Different types of produce have varying storage requirements. Some fruits and vegetables should be refrigerated, while others are better off at room temperature. For example, tomatoes, avocados, and berries are best kept in the refrigerator, while potatoes, onions, and pumpkins are better stored in a cool, dry place outside the fridge. When it comes to greens, you can cut the stems, pat dry, wrap in newspapers and then store in paper bags in your refrigerator. 

Separate Ethylene Producers and Sensitive Items

Ethylene is a natural gas produced by certain fruits like apples, bananas, and tomatoes. It can accelerate the ripening process and cause nearby vegetables to spoil quickly. To avoid this, store ethylene-producing fruits separately from ethylene-sensitive vegetables. Want your avocadoes to ripen quickly? Store with apples and bananas!

Opt for Breathable Storage Containers

Instead of using plastic bags, which is not an eco-friendly option, opt for breathable storage containers made of materials like cotton or mesh. These containers allow for better air circulation, preventing the buildup of excess moisture that can lead to mould or premature spoilage. Be sure to remove any plastic bags or wraps that may trap moisture when you store your fruits and vegetables.

Regularly Inspect and Rotate

Regularly inspect your fruits and vegetables to identify any signs of spoilage. Remove any damaged or overripe pieces to prevent them from affecting other items. Practice the “first in, first out” approach by placing newly purchased produce at the back of the storage area and moving older items to the front. This rotation ensures that you use the older produce first, minimizing waste due to expiration.

Purchase Slightly Underripe Fruits and Vegetables

When shopping, opt for slightly underripe fruits and vegetables. This allows you to enjoy them for a more extended period as they continue to ripen at home. Avoid purchasing overripe produce, as it may spoil quickly and lead to food waste.

Opt for Seasonal Produce
Always eat what’s in season. This means you will be eating produce that Nature has naturally intended as best for the season! Not only is such produce nutritious, but it also helps to build your immunity against the prevailing ailments in that season. Also seasonal produce means it is freshly harvested and has not been in the cold storage. At Happy Harvest Farms, we ensure that all our produce is seasonal and freshly-harvested. Nothing but the best, certified-organic produce for you!
With some simple practices, you can extend the freshness of your fruits and vegetables and reduce food waste. By adopting these tips, you can not only save money but also contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. Embrace these practices in your daily routine and make the most of the natural goodness that fruits and vegetables have to offer!